"Long and happily": Mia Sanders could earn a million dollars


This name received the final cycle. However, it is not worth judging about the book "By clothes" - Audrey Carlan has never been an amateur of banal happy endowers about a quiet family life in a house on the seashore. Yes, the most dangerous adventures of Mia Sanders are already behind. 9 months of her work in escort passed, and the father's debt was already repaid, but now there are other goals in front of the girl, and the path to them is overlapped with completely new circumstances, and meeting with the mother who threw Mia 15 years ago, the psychological problems of the beloved Mia Wes and an unexpected zigzag Careers are just some of them.

How to pay out again in the heart of pain, which seemingly forgotten forever? How to succeed where to achieve it is almost impossible? How to help your beloved overcome all the difficulties? And finally, how to understand yourself and gain real happiness? The infancy of this love, complex solutions, spicy intrigues, fireworks of passions and, of course, sophisticated erotica - all this reader will find in the triumphal conclusion of Calendar Girl's Saga, truthful and sensual, as life itself.

The book entered the AST Publishing House. If someone is not aware of: Calendar Girl - a cycle of love novels with a strong erotic component that has become global bestsellers. The total circulation of the books of Audrey Karlan series amounted to 2,000,000 copies, the novels took the first places in the ratings of New York Times, USA Today and Wall Street Journal and were translated into transfers of more than 30 languages.

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