Male infertility: how to return the reproductive function


When the long-awaited pregnancy does not occur, a woman has many questions: is it worth worrying or you can wait for whom to contact and where to start a survey? After all, before in reproductive problems, it was customary to blame a woman. However, dozens of factors are revealed today, which is not the occurrence of pregnancy associated with male potency.

The reasons leading to infertility, a lot and survey plan are built in such a way that it is gradually, from simple to complex, check all possible factors. The CEO of "Republican Center for Reproduction of Man and Planning Family", Andrei Stepanovich Hakobyan, is responsible for questions about male confusion issues.

- Andrei Stepanovich, what circle of questions can be found already at the first reception? For example, a man or family pair, which seemed about the barren marriage?

- The Soviet person on the Constitution has the right to have several diseases immediately. So the range of issues and the possibilities of the survey is quite wide. And seriously, experts selected over the years of work that have authority, experience and opportunities are involved. We try to go from the needs of a person, and not from the habits of institutions and the convenience of personnel. It is more troublesome, but gives higher results. The task of the doctor is to convince people that if there is a family, a stable loving couple, then all the other questions related to conception and the birth of a child will eventually be solved. Medical science and practice have already accumulated sufficient experience, the effectiveness of treatment has increased in recent years, the result has become more projected. For the primary diagnosis, a man has enough inspection, spermograms, ultrasound and hormonal surveys. With this data, the diagnosis is made with a high degree of reliability.

- If a couple is not born a child, maybe there is some kind of the highest meaning?

- Similar arguments are unscientific. Fertility of people may vary, the reproductive compatibility of people is very high even at the interracial level. The genotype is a kaleidoscope of 4 universal amino acids connected in different sequences. If a couple has no child for many years, it means that she did not seriously deal with this question, or did not bring treatment to the end, or treatment methods were applied, inadequate clinical situations. In addition, infertility and childlessness should not be confused.

An important factor of fertility is the age of a woman. After 28 years, a smooth decrease in its reproductive potential begins, after forty - the risk of genetic mutations is growing. In life, 95% of the conception occurs during the first year of the sexual relationship of the pair without protection, so after a year of life, it is permissible to talk about "fruitless marriage." Previously, this case was equal to 2 years, and in the USA still - 4 years.

The main trend is the achievement of the desired pregnancy as quickly as possible from the moment of circulation. Although good results of treatment are achievable and in women 45-50 years. For a man, the age factor is not so significant, although the elderly men are more often a birth of children with psychoneurological disabilities, in particular, with autism. The effective idea that with the age of "quality" of children is higher, substantiated by the personal and civil maturity of people, their readiness for parent, the ability and desire to transfer their personal life experience and knowledge to the child. Studies of recent years show that the ability of newborns is much developed and more specifically than it was considered earlier. The brain of the newborn is a unique matrix of record information digestible from the first time on the "clean" carrier. In families with adult parents, attitudes towards children are more respectful, equal. Children are very sensitive to these manifestations.

- In Russia, the proportion of women of reproductive age for various reasons, including demographic, not having sexual partners, is high. What do the doctors advise in this case?

- One child a woman seeks to give birth in any case, regardless of the availability of a partner, security, places and time of residence. Yes, and significant differences in the number of sexually agricultural cohort women and men concern only old ages. In Russia, legislation regulating reproductive technologies, one of the most liberal in the world, today it recognizes the right of a lonely woman to apply assistive reproductive technologies without any restrictions on its marriage status. In my opinion, it should be facilitated by the emergence of any desirable and healthy child. Everything else - the second time, dares. And man will be born.

- Let's go back to men. If the doctor has diagnosed - impotence ...

- The ability to sexual life is officially included in the criteria of "quality of life" regardless of the age of a man. As for the term "impotence", on ethical reasons from this designation of the diagnosis, medicine has already refused for a long time. Erectile dysfunction is estimated at a 5-stadium classification, where 0 is the absence of violations, and 5 is the complete inability of the intercourse. Say a man: "You are impotent" can only illiterate and not loving woman. After all, at a man when everything is fine with potency? When he wants to live when he has money, he is interested, self-realized. And when he has a situation of ruin, he is pursued, there is fear of criminal punishment - it acts destructive. 95% of the clinical diagnosis, accompanied by sexual disorders, is the consequences of depression. And the restoration will take time.

Everything will depend on what he has a surroundings, what family, what a psychotype, what culture will he be engaged in this issue.

Today, especially with the advent of a new group of drugs for the treatment of erectile dysfunction, the possibilities of conservative treatment have significantly expanded. For example, the number of operations to prosthetize the penis almost 10 times has decreased, the number of appeals to narrow specialists has decreased, the majority of primary appeals go through family doctors, general practitioners. This is a global trend.

The science of the XXI century becomes depression associated with the circumstances of human life in society. Almost always, in 95% of cases, depression in men is accompanied by erectile dysfunction: the erection deteriorates, the fear of waiting failure is increasing. Accordingly, the number of sexual contacts is reduced. Here are often great for a couple of pairs and a doctor to write off everything on "prostatitis", "immunity", the "middle-aged crisis" and other stamps that have a little relationship to reality, but allow for some time to delay the decision of the issue - whether it is pure medical Problem or problem of sexual partnership relationships. It is the latter that ensures the strength of families, households. A powerful factor of male health is the woman herself.

- How many men turn to you?

- Family couples who lived together for more than a year, they want a child, but cannot start it, there is no conception. Well, more patients who have vices in the development, weakening of the sexual function, anomaly.

Now andraology, infertility, many so-called "specialists" are engaged in potency. But, let's say, the pool of andrological patients is very disassembled and to identify Charlatan is not easy, so they often take two or three years in useless "treatment" before a man comes to professionals. In general, as for the intimate sphere, only 40% of the steam, which are diagnosed with infertility or impotence, reach the doctor. 15-20% are proceeded to treatment.

- But how are they, sorry, behave sex, if they are sick?

- Somehow adapt. This is called erectile dysfunction, and the psychological factor comes into force. A woman play a huge role: with some kind of woman a man can, but with some kind of - categorically no. I have an article on this topic, which is called "Female factor in male erectile dysfunction." It all depends on the woman, from the manner of her behavior, her understanding of the problem. Sexual constitution is a floating indicator.

Well, well, a man comes to the reception, he can't you, as a priest, tell all my life?

- Maybe. It usually happens like this: a man year or two lives in marriage. No pregnancy, although he knows that other women pregnant from him before him. As a rule, a woman went first to a specialist, she looked, she was fine. She was told: "Your man should be to the Andrologist, hand over the sperm." And here there are huge psychological problems for a man. Why? What if they find something? For many, this is a catastrophe. Therefore, there is a barrier input. But if the couple has a desire to be treated, then all questions are solved. And the child will be, and the family will. But there are those who do not withstand these tests, because both are silent, and the question remains unresolved. They fall asleep together, wake up, and the question still exists. And from this you will not go anywhere, and the years go. And the environment, and parents - everyone understands and delicately silent, but it's not good on the soul. And the self-esteem in the man falls.

If the couple came to be treated for infertility, first I invite them together to meet, and then I send a woman to sit in the lobby. A conversation with a man and a woman spend separately.

- Why? There is something that a woman does not need to know about her man? What are the secrets?

- The fact that they are a family still does not mean that they are a single and integer. They do not need to know many moments about each other. For example, I believe that a man do not need to be in the maternity hospital during the birth of a wife. This is all the foolishness imposed by the Western culture. Are you a doctor to accompany the childbirth? It is far from our Orthodox culture, we have the concept of sin, vice, intimacy. And in many men who saw childbirth, blood, psychological problems themselves begin.

When a man at the reception remains alone, the cause of the problems is set very quickly.

- How much does it affect the erectile dysfunction and in infertility to use alcohol and nicotine?

- There is no concept "Digitly". Medicines in large doses can also become poison. What, doesn't alcohol need? Need, when you need to warm up, remove stress, for relaxation. The same tobacco is a decrease in cholesterol levels, stress. When you need to choose from two angry, you need to choose a smaller one.

Therefore, it is impossible to say unequivocally about the dangers of alcohol and cigarettes. If this is preserved by millennia in culture, then there are some explanations.

- If a couple is not born a child, maybe there is some kind of the highest meaning? They should not be together, or the child should not come to this world?

- This is the ideology of the loser. All reasons can be installed and eliminated. The reproductive compatibility of people is very high. If a couple has no child for many years - this is an illiterate attitude towards your health. Of course, it is impossible not to take into account one of the most important factors - the age of a woman. There are peaks of reproductive ability. Naturally, in 25 years, they are higher than in 36-40 years.

- And after all, Andrei Stepanovich, answer the most important question: is it possible to make a man's longevity and what should a man do?

- It is necessary not only a man. It is necessary for a woman. (Laughs.) First - it is necessary to eat less. This is the main factor, worse than alcohol, worse smoking - hypodynamia and obesity. Testosterone, which is produced and needed for sexual functions and attraction, goes to feeding fat. If a man's beer belly has testosterone, do not look for testosterone. And without him. It is very important not just to lose weight, but not recover. Women are also dangerous games with weight. The second is the most important factor - this is the state of the psyche. Stress factor is decisive. The higher the intensity of the situation at work, the worse there will be a ratio of hormones that provide the process of regulation of the smptogenesis. Stress beats through the whole male organism. And the woman, by the way, can excite even under the rug of the machine. Here, all the theory of the development of the disease begins, the head of the disease begins: he rang the head at work, the man rises the pressure, the tachycardia developed, the metabolite was thrown into the body. If it is open, the body will cope, and if it happens chronically, years, it begins the layer in the men's body. Everything is fused against the stock: someone is faster than the breakdown, someone is slower. But under the influence of stress anyway comes.

- And if there is no stress, a man is watching his health, how old can he be popular with women? Is it really in seventy real?

- As long as the man beats the heart, he and one hundred seventy years will be a male longevity. He is able to reproduce offspring and, moreover, if a man is healthy and does not suffer, the quality of the "process" does not change with age. There is a decrease in the teststerone, but not to zero. However, unfortunately, the society of the elderly men write off and transferred to the grandfather. And in Europe, seventy-year-old men live in a sex life and they are all right there. If there is no chronic intoxication, the man is not sick, he and in ninety years can conceive a child. This also applies to brain activity: if you worked my head all my life, then by a hundred years everything will be fine in order. It is necessary to train more often and everything will work ...

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