Sexual Education: Test for the Definition of Partner Knowledge


Unlike European countries, in Russia, the topic of sex education is rarely affected, which has deposits. People do not know about the opportunity to become infected with venereal diseases, the need to regularly take tests and sometimes how to enjoy the partner. So that you do not study on your mistakes, we suggest a test, created on the basis of medical statistics in Russia and the world.

1. What is a latex napkin?

A. The latex napkin and an absorbent layer, which during sex you need to rinse the genitals in order to remove the excessive lubricant surplus

B. Napkin, which is used for anal and oral stimulation to protect against transmission of infection

B. Napkin, in which sex toys of small size wrap up so that they do not damage when stored

Your partner will evaluate the singer in important issues.

Your partner will evaluate the singer in important issues.

2. What is dangerous trichomoniasis?

A. Inflammation of the genital organs, which makes infecting more dangerous diseases.

B. Nothing, this disease takes itself after 2-3 months.

B. You are just a carrier of the disease and can infect partner.

3. What sexologists imply under the concept of "dezadapive masturbation"?

A. Wrong way to masturbate, in which you are trying to enjoy a strange way.

B. Too frequent masturbation that takes all your thoughts and time.

B. Outdated term showing an uneducated doctor.

4. How does the body prepare for sex?

A. Blood sticks to the sexual organs, sex glands allocate a lubricant, men have an erection.

B. Your consciousness is blurred, the muscles relax and for a moment the body has a little.

V. Gormonov make you feel the need for kisses and arms, and the brain begins to quickly simulate the future act.

Feel free to your senses

Feel free to your senses

Right answers

Question 1. The correct answer - B. With oral sex, it can be infected with the same set of venereal diseases as under penetrative (with penetration). Doctors strongly advise the use of latex wipes to partners during intimate caress to secure their health. A napkin is enough to make it yourself - find the master class on the Internet.

Question 2. The correct answer is A. Trichomoniasis - a venereal disease that is quite difficult to detect. Symptoms are manifested only in 30% of people, the rest can detect the disease only with the help of testing. From symptoms - itching and redness of the skin, burning in urination. When the skin is irritated, it is more vulnerable to diseases, therefore, indeed, it becomes easier to infect venereal diseases.

Question 3. The correct answer - V. Modern specialists explain that the method of masturbation depends on your personal desire. Some receive an orgasm when penetrating, others manage to do this only by stimulating with their hands or stress of the hips and sexual muscles - such an orgasm is called a petonic. Do not pay attention to the materials that consult you how to get an orgasm correctly: right as you like.

Question 4. The correct answer - A. vessels react to heat and friction, therefore expand - the blood fills the increased space. Lubrication is explained by an evolutionary process: lubricant is necessary for a smoother sliding and a soft contact of the genital organs in order to use more neural endings and enjoy.

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