Tredlifting: species, tasks, readings


Thread or Tredlifting It is the most popular and effective minimally invasive procedure that allows not cuts and serious interventions in the structure of fabric fabrics and other parts of the body to achieve a significant rejuvenating effect. What is the difference between the threads? Which of them are the most sought-after today?

The thread suspension is able to give a result, superior surgical. The only thing that procedure needs to repeat once every few years. In all the rest, he surgical surgical surgical operation: no rehabilitation, no postoperative scars, is performed under local anesthesia easily, quickly and painlessly.

In recent years, a large number of threads have been certified in Russia that have a small traumaticity, do not have rehabilitation and make an excellent result. Even such a notion of "Atraumatic Nietal Implantology" appeared. Now the production of threads is no longer associated with long-term rehabilitation. Now you can put a thread on a lunch break, and after going to work quietly. This is achieved through the use of innovative thread products.

Alexey Paramonov, Cosmetologist, Dermatologist, Surgeon, Trainer Expert for Injection Methods

Alexey Paramonov, Cosmetologist, Dermatologist, Surgeon, Trainer Expert for Injection Methods


Types of threads and the effect of them

Simplified all threads can be divided into 2 large groups depending on the effect they give: reinforcing and lifting.

Reinforcing Nights

The main task of such threads is to compact the skin, fight flabbiness. Why is it extremely important? In the skin there are "springs" collagen. Imagine a mattress: if there are a lot of elastic springs, then it will keep the shape, it will not be saved. If the springs are little or they are weak, then the mattress will lead and drop. Also with our skin. In the young age of "springs" collagen a lot, so it is elastic and touched. After 25 years, the amount of collagen significantly decreases and this degrity and gravitational ptosis appears (tissue omission).

It is the reinforcing threads that is the most powerful tool for the restoration of collagen in the skin. As the thread will be dissolved, collagen and the skin will be placed in its place will be sealing. Results in the form of restoration of skin elasticity, reduction of wrinkles, improve its quality, lifting will begin to appear after 1-1.5 months and will increase within 6-8 months. The next step, already compacted, the elastic skin can be tightened, to engage in lifting.

Lifting Nights

Used for direct tissue suspenders, that is, their movement and consolidation in the desired position, where they were at a young age - up. They are attached to the dense structures of the face. The effect after the procedure is noticeable immediately. The first representative of the group is APTOS threads. The first modifications differ in some trauma. Later, other innovative threads were developed, which differ in absence of traumaticity for tissues, lack of rehabilitation and a pronounced effect, comparable to a surgical suspender of the face. Lifting yarn is most often used to improve the oval of the face, smoothing the nasolabial folds, correction of the eyebrows and the submandibular zone.

Why is it important to prepare for lifting threads?

If you start tightening the skin with the help of lifting threads without the preliminary seal, you can get irregularities, stretch the skin, and the effect itself will last a long time. Therefore, it is imperative to prepare our face to the suspended procedure!

The primary task of reinforcing threads is a skin seal. If we coped with this task and got elastic skin, any procedure, whether it is a suspender using lifting threads, or with the help of fillers will give a stunning result. If you immediately put the lifting threads on the dramatic skin, the result will be short. If the skin is very flabby, sometimes for the restoration of its elasticity can leave 1-2 years. Perhaps you will need several reinforcement procedures.

There is a logic myth about the efficiency of dietary supplies with a skin collagen. Unfortunately, Collagen is just a protein, the same as, for example, in meat or fish. And all proteins are digested and completely disintegrate to individual amino acids in our gastrointestinal tract and the collagen itself does not reach the skin. Drinking such additives is still useful for the body as a whole, but now it is possible to restore the amount of collagen in the skin only with the help of cosmetology procedures. Such procedures include reinforcing threads. Restore collagen in the skin must be necessary.

What are the designs of the threads?

Modern threads are produced from hypoallergenic, independently absorbed in the body over time of substances. As such, caprolactton, polyhyloxy acid, polydiochesanone, polyhydroxyacetyl. These substances are completely absorbed and derived from the body. They do not cause allergies and do not turn back.

The following modifications of the threads can be distinguished according to the design: linear, spiral, thread fillers, threads with notches, threads on 2-spoke carriers.

Linear threads

In its pure form, the effect of biostimulation on the skin is removed, the wrinkles are cleaned, seal the skin, linear threads from polyolic acid also have a moisturizing effect on the skin. They have no notches, they are thin like hair.

Spiral thread

Spiral mezzani, this is a kind of improved face thread. They are strongly stretched springs that can be well reduced to the initial form after stretching. Due to this, even with very active facial expressions, the thread remains the whole and ensures the preservation of the result achieved during trilifting. Spiral use well in those zones where facial expressions are active (dynamically active zones). Because of such features, the spiral threads for lifting the face are mainly shown by patients after 40 years, which have noticeable gravitational changes, for the correction of nasolabial folds, eyebrows areas.

Thread Fillers

This is a whole beam of threads, which has volatile properties. Such threads showed themselves in the fight against nasolabial folds, to strengthen the oval of the face, bioculating cheekbones and in a number of other zones.

Threads with notches

They are capable and seal, and pull the skin. Used to correct nasolabial folds, balls, lifting facials, second chin, lifting cheeks, cheeks, eyebrows, even chest, belly, and other parts of the body. Otherwise, they are called "Cogs" (Cog - English, spike). They have notches for dense fixation in tissues and retain them in a given position.

Threads on 2-spoke carriers

They are truly lifting threads. They move tissue up, form solid fixation to dense skin structures. Their effect often surgical suspenders. Only they are able to qualitatively pull the second chin or make an ideal. They are used for lifting eyebrows, forehead, elimination of nasolabial folds, tickles of cheeks, decrease (smoothing) painting bags, lifting corners of the mouth, elimination of balls, lifting selected chin and neck. The first of their representative was Aptos Thread. Subsequently, modern modifications appeared that do not have long rehabilitation. These threads can be obtained a great result of the suspender and even not to leave a single bruise.

There are also liquid threads that are not so much thread as a liquid gel that consists of hyaluronic acid and zinc. Also, the products of some trademarks can include liquid plasma. Immediately after their use, the skin becomes velvety, moisturized, acquires even color. But the effect of lifting is not visible immediately, the first changes can be seen only after a few months. They reach the peak in six months and are stored for about 2 years. Liquid face threads are well suited to rejuvenate dry, dehydrated skin. They are able to smooth out the mimic and other types of wrinkles due to the tissue seal. Therefore, the main testimony to their use are: severe dry skin, deterioration of the oval of the face, a decrease in the elasticity of the skin, minor wrinkles.

In general, the thread lifting is shown to patients who want to stop the processes of skin aging, improving faces with serious age changes due to self-tissue tightening, eliminate and prevent the appearance of wrinkles (for example, in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle, around the eye, on the forehead and nose, etc. d.). Nevertheless, the doctor for each patient picks up the right type of threads, given the peculiarities of the skin, the structure of the face, the degree of age-related changes and many other individual characteristics. Moreover, the correction can give in not only the face, but also other parts of the body and for each of them the products of a certain species will be suitable.

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