Faithful techniques that reduce checking after shopping in the supermarket


If you want to teach an eight-year-old child with money management, it is best to start with a supermarket. Ask them what they feel. Usually it will be the smell of baking - it is he who makes us tired after work, gain full food baskets, just to visually nourge. Another supermarket tactics includes the following:

Consignments and magazines laid out in the box office. These are impulse purchases, so the placement of them next to the cashier gives stores the last attempt to capture our cash.

The location of the shelves in stores make us pass all distance. Regularly purchased goods are usually scattered throughout the store, so we need to go through many other tempting tastes to complete our purchases.

Products at eye level are the most profitable. The most profitable shares are placed at eye level (or at the level of the eyes of children, if they are aimed at them), but profitable products are usually not the best offers for buyers. The old proverb "Looking for something high and low" is really applicable.

Placing quality products at the entrance. Grapes without bones and other attractive delicacies are usually located next to the entrance to the store, often below the cost to lure us inside.

The first point of economy is not to come across these tricks. And how else can you reduce the amount you see when paying at the checkout?

Check stock in the application

Download a discount aggregator on your smartphone. In it, you can search for the search you need and compare prices for them in different stores. Yes, on the way home, you will have to go in a few places, which seems inconvenient, but it saves money great.

Too many food placed in the cart

Too many food placed in the cart

Wear a basket in hands

Trolleys - another bait that makes you take more. Instead, take a basket with a handle and wear it in your hands. And even better - do not take the basket at all, then in your hands you can really make the most necessary. Plus, at the checkout you do not have to buy additional packages due to the fact that you did not calculate the capacity of your cotton shop.

Compare the compositions, not brands

Not always green peas under the familiar name will be better than what is sold under the brand of the store. Abroad, people calmly buy goods under the brand of supermarket, and they are not shy to take inexpensive goods, as they do in Russia. Often, these products will be brought from Europe, and not produced at local factories. Explore the labels and remember that the smaller the composition, the better the product.

Products from the warehouse will be better than the store itself.

Products from the warehouse will be better than the store itself.

Order online

During the pandemic, many networks rebuilt on the online format and began to update the range of stores more often. When ordering for a certain amount, delivery will be free, that is, you will save not only time, but also money on movement to the shopping center and back. Plus, the goods are sent directly from the warehouse, where the package does not hurt and the product itself does not shake, as it often happens in ordinary stores when buyers check the product quality. So it will come home good fresh foods.

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