How to survive post-tab syndrome?


No matter how this summer passed - in a noisy smoked megalopolis with rare departures outside the city or in the planned travel - the result is one: the season came to an end. The last hope to extend the warm days will disappear with the first rains and shifts of light ballet shoes on the liquefying weather of moccasins and ankle boots. But the time to indulge in the autumn depression is not - it's time to proceed to the express program to restore sincere and physical health. The main thing is to outline an effective reboot strategy, and seasonal renovation will be held in pleasant hassles and preparation for the velvet season meeting. The heat returns!

Scale loss

Even if after the long-awaited vacation you feel rested and full forces, your skin most likely needs urgent and intensive rehabilitation. How many times the world was told: the tan, of course, transforms any woman, but the consequences of taking long-lasting solar baths are very crying. The fact that a chocolate shade will sweep after a while, the skin will begin to peel, or even in all the inesthetical stains in all, it is known to everyone. But many forget about a more frightening perspective - the effect of photobores. Alas, even the most powerful Sanskrins and the best SPF protectors are not able to fully cope with aggressive solar effect. UV rays are destructive effect on the cells of the epidermis, and as a result, along with the tan, we get a whole range of problems that need to be quickly addressed.

The most important point is to fill the balance of moisture in the epidermis. The dehydrated skin is prone to the formation of a small grid of wrinkles, and it is sometimes more difficult to cope with them than with deeply running. Intensively moisturizing creams and nutrient masks based on hyaluronic acid and vitamin E. Exclude from their daily ritual of beauty to alcohol and alkaline-based. Instead of hard gels for washing, use gentle light foams and gentle milk, replace aggressive antibacterial lotions on soft tonic on herbs and micellar water.

Do not forget that the main rule of efficient balance is a sufficient amount of fluid. The classic advice on two liters of water per day did not lose its relevance - it will save the loose skin. Also should not refuse a mandatory summer beauty accessory - bottle with thermal water. Remember that it is necessary to spray it only on a fully cleaned face and almost immediately, after five to seven seconds, wipe the excess with a napkin. If you do not comply with these simple rules, you risk acquiring micro-visits, scored and in addition, even stronger the skin (thermal water evaporates from the face of the face, taking the remains of precious moisture).

In concerns about the face, do not forget about the body. In the velvet season it is worth entering silky skin, so it is always possible to use Body-peels once a week and scrubs. They will not erase your tan, but bring it to mind, eliminating small irregularities and disadvantages. Alternatives can be exfoliants for the soul - traditional gels, which added fragrant exfoliating microparticles. As a nutritional lotion, try using natural plant components based on natural vegetable components, the ideal option for tanned skin will be coconut oil, avocado and shea. By the way, with the latter it is better not to experiment with those who are not familiar with irritation and rash.

Polishing bronze

The maximum restored skin is ready for a beauty reboot, and the main task now becomes the resulting effect to perfection. If you are all done correctly and the desired bronze tint is the result of a moderate stay in the sun and the competent use of creams with SPF factors, it is important to take care of the consolidation of the tan. This means that they will have to postpone funds with fruit acids for a while, despite their excellent rejuvenating properties. After all, AHA-based creams and peelings gradually remove the top layer of the epidermis and actively update it - alas, such useful rebirth will be completely erased by an attractive tan from your face.

However, those who are not afraid to re-become snow-white, acid will become reliable and loyal assistants. Autumn is the traditional time of return of acid products, because the sun is no longer so actively and does not threaten with hyperpigmentation. By the way, about pigment stains: if it happened that summer holiday left no only exciting memories, but also a few unwanted darkens on the face, it is necessary to get rid of them as quickly as possible with serums and concentrates based on glycolic or ascorbic acid.

Solar batteries

Assign the autumn depression is necessary in a short time, because painful separation with the hot season affects not only our appearance, but also on a psychological state. And it, in turn, affects the health of the skin, hair and nails. The days are in short, the light goes less, and it seems that ahead of the endless series of frozen days and everyday worries. But to arrange a continuation of summer is much easier than it seems, and for this you do not need to have a time machine.

Create solar mood will help the right aromas. Orange essential oil, added to the bath, aromalamp or applied to the opposite side of the pillow, will give cheerfulness and charges positive energy, lavender oil will ensure calm, and Ilang-Ilanga oil balances feelings and emotions. Remember about the "summer" smells, choosing gels for the shower and body lotions. Throughout the day, sharp and light and light music notes will create the feeling that outside the window instead of the September landscape is a hot july noon.

Autumn longing is easily dispelled and seasonal beauty trends, gradually replacing summer trends. Traditionally, the power is gaining color: experiment with bright lipstick beard tones and cherries, with saturated blunders of brick and coral shades, decree on the creation of Smoky Eyes based on a relevant gray-green palette. Finish the transformation of a new autumn perfume.

If all three warm months you spent in the megalopolis, arrange a mini-vacation outside the city or in the SPA Salon. Just a few days in nature or a few hours in the hands of skillful masters are able to recharge you, remove fatigue and lead to feeling. Summer will last exactly as much as you wish!

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