Fans of exotic: nude soup with shrimps and squid


You will need: 250-300 g of chickpeas, 200-300 g of purified shrimp, 3 small peeled carcasses of squid, 1 leek, ½ fennel, small beam of parsley, 200 ml of olive oil for deep fryer, 2-3 tbsp. Spoons of flour, 3-4 tbsp. spoons of olive oil, ¼ h. Spoons of sweet paprika in powder, ¼ h. Spoons of a mixture of several types of pepper, ¼ h. spoons of sea salt.

Cooking process: You dock at night, then drain the water, and rinse the peas. Light onion, cut into thin rings. Fennel shape thin straw. Slightly heat in a frying pan 2 tbsp. Spoons of olive oil and, periodically stirring, frying sometimes and fennel before transparency. Pour nuts with water and put to boil, in the middle of the preparation add ⅔ roasted sowing and fennel and continue to cook peas until readiness. Squids cut into rings. Mix with a mixture of pepper, salt and paprika. In a small deep casserole, heat the oil for deep fryer, squid and shrimp in flour with spices and fry for several minutes in oil, and then lay out on a paper towel to remove excess fat. Squid's readiness can be determined by color that changed on white. Celebrate ready-made soup, pepper and beat in a blender in a puree, if cooled - before serving warm in a saucepan. Parsley chopped finely. Soup pour into the plates, put a fried fennel and sometimes, a couple of squids and shrimps in the batter, sprinkle with a parsley and sprinkle with olive oil.

Tip: In order for the nut to become soft, add 1 tan. Spoonful of soda, after 6-12 hours, rinse peas and boil in fresh water if it evaporated during cooking, add chicken or vegetable broth.

Squids and shrimps can be rigid - you should not fry them for too long. In such a soup, you can add mussels and even pieces of fish, from spices - turmeric or curry.

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