Notes of Thai Mommy: "All Russian problems - mostly due to drunkenness"


Still, the Moscow Komsomolets newspaper has a magical charm. Even thousands of kilometers from Moscow, on the distant island of Phuket, as soon as those surrounding see my red book with the inscription "MK", ​​all the doors immediately open me. So the interview with the Deputy Honorary Consul of Russia in the provinces of Phuket, Krabi and Phang-Nga Santi Udomkiratak managed to organize in one day. But Mr. Santi is supervised by three provinces at once, so it is not necessary to achieve an audience - not the task of simple. He is constantly "in the field": Decides the Dennomies and Nostano, the problems arising from our compatriots in Thai edges. That is why my husband and I are going on an interview to him right home, while inoperative time. Another opportunity to talk simply will not.

The apartment of Mr. Santi is surprised by its conciseness, which is felt, nevertheless, skillful designer's hand. All space is withstanding in black and white colors. An interiors are revived ... Numerous bottles with alcohol placed, it seems on all the shelves.

Mr. Santi, noticing our interest in his alcohol collection, only laughs:

- Do not think anything bad! These are all - gifts and souvenirs. But many Russians, being on vacation on Phuket, just use alcohol for their intended purpose. In large quantities. And here's the result: 80 percent of all accidents involving Russians, due to drunkenness driving.

- And a lot of accidents?

- Lot. And we help how we can. If it did not end with a fatal outcome, then we select hospitals, we will take there, notify relatives and loved ones.

- What other problems help our compatriots?

- Many Russians work in Phuket illegally. And when they fall into the police, we help them with English, which, as a rule, many Russians do not know.

- Do you only do in such cases? Or ordinary person can come to a consulate with one question?

- Anyone can refer to the question. Buy land, invest in some business. We will help with information, tell which there are laws.

Mr. Santi believes that the Russians need to drink smaller.

Mr. Santi believes that the Russians need to drink smaller.

- You have been working with the Russians for a long time. What are we in your opinion?

- Russian people are not so smiling as Thais. They are also always knocked in flocks, communicate only with each other. And live by their communes. But 90 percent of Russians are excellent guys. When you do not drink, of course. Just many do not know the measures. After all, when they drink in Russia, then there is one dose. And the same dose adopted in 35-degree heat acts in other things. But, again, not all Russians drink, only some. Although problems arise just because of drunkenness.

- Well, why! Now there are many problems with Russians who have their own business on the island. It doesn't seem to you that the fight against the Russian business today is kept with some, let's say that in beggars? And it happens that the usual people are suffering, who are simply resting on Phuket - well, for example, such as me? I do not work as an illegal guide, I do not work around private worker - in short, we do not take money from the locals, but only their spending on the benefit of the economy of Thailand. But they tightened a visa question, and I have to go to another country ...

- Of course, there are beggars. At the last meeting with the government, in which the representatives of the Immigraishni office also took part, the police, this question was raised. But be sure of: if you do not engage in the island of illegal business, if you are on Phuket just relax and do not violate any laws, but suddenly got into the police, call me. And the consulate will definitely protect you. And know: Thailand is an open hospitable country. We are glad to everyone who comes to Phuket. Including Russian.

... Well, with such a harassment you can get together in the road. Tomorrow in the morning we despair from Thailand. Myanmar is waiting for us!

Continued ...

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