Ilya Legoev: and tears, and love


A kind of prelude for the festive film frame was the ninetieth ceremony of awarding Oscars. The generous on the paint of the star-defile, an amazing beauty of the Celedness and quite intrigue around the main favorites, including the picture of Andrei Zvyagintsev "Nelyubov". In local news, all this was noted, but where there were already obsessive rhockers that the crisis, Oscar himself, is a terribly politician event, and, of course, nobody loves us there.

However, even without political information, it is clear how this advanced Western Citizen with her humanism and tolerance is found from here. In addition, our own recently it turns out that if you believe in vigorous telenotes about the incredible success of the "Ice" movies and "upward movement". It is possible that these film skins and on TV will be successful, but whether they will be the mandatory paragraph of festive teleconship, as, for example, "Moscow does not believe in tears"?

Yes, "Moscow ..." was again on the air, and again people of various ages and tastes could not but linger on the classics of the genre at least for a few minutes. And a few minutes usually grabs, in order to make sure of the incredible modernity of this Soviet retro. As special effects here to hypnosis, expressive large plans, dialogues allow actors to show themselves in all its glory, and the very ordinary life of the main characters is thrown into a laugh, then into tears. There is nothing surprising and the fact that this film was in due time got an Oscar, and in the fact that some modern Oscar-eyed paintings are as technically modest, but humanitarically expressive.

If you make a hit parade of ideal movies about love from those that have been shown in the past holidays, then the Moscow does not believe in tears, "you can probably add" love and pigeons "and the Hollywood" Beauty "as an eternal reason for nostalgic tears . "Arrhythmia", "big" and "about love" could someone give a reason to try to love our new cinema.

All indifferent to cinema as an alternative was a romantic journey, during which Greek student Dimitris Georgiadis tried to test his feelings for Russia, moving around the Golden Ring. The program "Greek", probably, you can call the most meditative tour of the travels. Selfless Dimitris was captured by endless winter landscapes, off-road, domes and eternal tea drinking. The desire to repeat the journey Mr. Georgiadis, probably, not everyone will appear, but for Dimitris himself can be glad. In his eyes, the sincere delight of a person was frozen, who discovered a new world.

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