How to deal with nonconim


Insomnia (insomnia) refer to sleep disorder, which occurs at least three times a week for a month. The main causes of insomnia are stress, neurosis, depression and mental overwork. As a rule, people suffering from insomnia, in the afternoon we are lethargy, constantly want to sleep, but at the same time they can not fall asleep at night.

Most of us know about factors that may adversely affect the quality of sleep: this is the use of caffeine drinks (tea, coffee, cola, energy), alcohol, smoking, abundant fatty food and intense physical exertion before bedtime. But insomnia can also be a symptom of cardiovascular diseases and endocrinological, signaling the likelihood of the presence of brain tumors and other serious problems.

Even healthy people need to be observed sleep hygiene. You need to get used to bed to bed at the same time, even on weekends. The situation must be familiar, sleeping place is convenient, it is better to close the curtains in the room, eliminate sharp sounds and smells. Before bedtime, it is necessary to ventilate the room. Specialists advise shortly before sleeping to make a small walk or take a warm relaxing bath. Cannot be taken without the appointment of a doctor's remedy.

Galina Palkova

Galina Palkova

Galina Palkova, Endocrinologist

- Sleep disorders talk about problems that need to be addressed immediately. Otherwise, the body will begin to "crumble". It is in a dream that the brain rests, the forces are restored, the processes of regeneration and, by the way, the processing of fats are restored. A man really loses weight only in a dream. At night. If you do not sleep at night - sport and diet will not give the result to which you expect. When the melatonin hormone deficiency, which is produced from eight in the evening and up to four in the morning, the body begins to grow prematurely. If you sleep badly, you do not please the spring sun - first of all begin to observe sleep hygiene and balance the diet on the content of carbohydrates, proteins, calcium and vitamin B6.

Sleep disorders accompany the metabolic diseases, including diabetes mellitus. Insomnia is one of the characteristic symptoms of hyperteaosis when the thyroid gland works too active. Such patients note a decrease in body weight with an increased appetite, a sense of fear and anxiety, excitability. And if, on the contrary, the thyroid gland works sluggishly, it develops hypoteriosis, which is accompanied by drowsiness, dry skin, hair loss, swelling, obesity. With breakdowns, contact a specialist.

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