Aurora: "I don't want to be old boring clubs"


Former music television stars now find inspiration in work on a children's audience. Aurora, like her colleague Tutta Larsen, became a real idol kum and this is very pleased.

- Aurora, your daughter Aurora fifteen years old. How does it take this difficult age?

- Everything is relative. We are with Alexei (Spouse Alexei Trainman. - Ed.) It seems that everything is hard that the girl abandoned her studies that they began to appear suddenly some complexes. But at the same time, she began to get involved in interesting things, create something to do. Itself removes as a director as an operator. Makes cool photos. Sings, but, though, only for myself and your friends in Instagram. And with Alexei, I do not just die as Dad and Mom, having heard the next new song in her fulfillment on Ukulele, - we are taped. It turns out that we are fine. Especially when I hear about the problems of other parents when the children threaten them, they steal money, Hamyat. After that, I think: what is it in general, I am inventing here, everything is fine with me. (Laughs.) Well, she scored to study, we will fix it. Nothing terrible happens, I am very glad.

- You somehow said that you are not a hundred percent for my daughter's daughter. Why?

- Because, if you really do the child's upbringing, you can't be one hundred percent one for him. Periodically you are her boss, the adviser, sometimes just Cerber, what kind of friendship in such moments maybe? When you are friends with people, you will not command them, you do not say what to do, do not tighten them with life situations. We have good relationships, often trusted, but it can not be one hundred percent friendship, at least now. Perhaps when she grows up, we will change roles - she will steal my life anymore. (Laughs.) I do not mind. We are even preparing it to this point. We say: Aurricon, go learn, gather, think how you will make money. We all got you all childhood in Maldives, and we would like to get us there in the old age. (Laughs.)

Aurora has a large television experience and now she is very comfortable on the children's channel

Aurora has a large television experience and now she is very comfortable on the children's channel

Photo: Personal archive

- We can say that you and your spouse are an example for the daughter?

- I would really like to be an example in some situations, but it turns out that it takes examples only with the wrong things. (Laughs.) I tell her how so I was an excellent school in school, and you rolled down on the "Troika"! I love to arrange house chaos, why should it be inherited, and not the organization of dad? You, of course, you can be an example and protrude your best qualities, but as it turns out, the child will not take the best, but what he likes, and most importantly, convenient. And when you see some of your drawbacks and flaws, then you think: she is all in me, what to swear here?

- It happens that you swear on your daughter, punish her if she behaves wrong?

- Be sure! And swear, and punish. But what is the punishment for modern children? Limit Internet access, close all applications, pick up at least on the phone. To deprive the teenager phone is the worst punishment. And we use it, here we are cruel! (Laughs.)

Six months ago, replenishment happened to the family of the TV presenter. A dog appeared in the house

Six months ago, replenishment happened to the family of the TV presenter. A dog appeared in the house

Photo: Personal archive

- Who is a more rigorous parent: you or Alexey?

- It seems to me that Alexey. He holds long, but then ... everything, the punishment is inevitable. I can also respond emotionally, I can threaten for a long time, warn infinitely, and with Alexey jokes are bad, it keeps it, and then fold, and that's it!

- The daughter never asked you, why did they named Aurora?

- No, she somehow does not ask until now. Probably knows so. What to ask her. (Laughs.) Still understandable. Well, called and called. We live at such a time when there is a big, even a huge variety of names. Children do not have any questions, why a little girl called Abigail, another Stephanie, a boy onion. Now they all relate to this. This in my class was five Natasha, three Ira, nine flax. And now there are no intersections by name, in the class you can call everyone by name, and you will not be mistaken.

- How does Alexey at home call you?

- Well, it also depends on the situation. (Laughs.) Sometimes we are girls when you need something from both of us, sometimes by name, I can be periodically iris, because Ira. The funny thing is when Aurora needs to talk to me seriously or digest for something, she draws exclusively by name: "Il, let's go, I need to talk to you seriously!" She also appeals to Alexei. The people who know us a little are asked: "Alexey is not a native dad, yes?" She can also say "dad", but more often by name.

Aurora with his spouse, director Alexei tramian

Aurora with his spouse, director Alexei tramian

Photo: Personal archive

- For whom in the family is the last word?

- For whom, for Alexey, of course! Behind our brutal. It must be seen. (Laughs.)

- Do you have an understanding of family dinner, round table?

- Periodically, but not on an ongoing basis. We are all very flexible in this matter. We can gladly get together on the day off, have dinner or dinner. But for us it is not a pointer. I, Alexey and Aurora schedule quite complicated. Often I am at work, Alexey on the set, from the Aurora classes, their webinars. To whom, when convenient, he was then, relatively speaking. But if you can go somewhere together, in a cafe, in a restaurant or visit, we do it with pleasure.

- You somehow said that you have never had a personal stylist. Now something has changed?

- Everything is still, everything is. In the morning I get up and decide what I would go, I want to wear on myself. Also make purchases or choose clothes from designers. I am an advanced user. I know how much I know, I know that I am aware of all fashion trends, I understand how to apply them. I can say it without false modesty, because I am already an adult girl. Sometimes aged posses. (Laughs.)

- Now everyone seemed to be prevented on useful habits. How many are there in your asset?

- I continue to add them to your life. And it affects my appearance, life and well-being. For example, in the last year I had a clear understanding about vitamins. I know exactly which of them I need to add to the diet. It is important to regularly donate blood for analysis. Watch what kind of vitamins do not have enough. And so I understood why I had a fragile hair a year ago, to get started faster, it turned out, despite my full nutrition, a lot of things had to be added. Over the past year, I all have become much better: hair, well-being, skin, general condition. Here I have such a new habit, I drink vitamins regularly, I do not forget and hand over blood periodically for analysis.


"Daughters we say:" You all took you all childhood in the Maldives, in old age I would like to be drunk us. "

Photo: Personal archive

- What is the proper nutrition in your understanding?

- I began to pay attention more for the evening eating. I used to come after work and how there is everything in a row. But at some point I realized that it could not continue to continue. For the past winter I have two kilos. And I thought if I begin to increase two kilos for every winter, it would be bad. I decided to reconsider the situation in the root. I removed all carbohydrates and proteins in the evening. For example, if you later come back and can not, do not eat, go to bed, get fresh cucumbers from the refrigerator, lettuce leaves, prepare for a couple of zucchini, broccoli, something green to quench the hunger. And no longer eat anything. When hungry, you want everything. But, thorough the first hunger, you are already different, we calmer look at what is happening. And there is no worse. And in the morning you get up, you are already hungry, which is very good, the stomach is flat, you feel the fresh, not swollen. This condition is very pleasant. And when you start this kayf, you strive for it every evening.

- Spouse and daughter share your routine?

- No, they do not care about my healthy habits. (Laughs.) Charging they do not do, eat as they want. Alexey, True, he is engaged in sports. Three times a week for two hours he is exactly in the hall. Unlike me, I do not go to the gym at all. Now we have another additional physical activity in the form of a dog that started half a year ago. Added evening walks. Not everyone, of course, those who have secular events are freed from them. (Laughs.) And Alexey with Aurorak in the morning and in the evening spend time on the street.

Aurora says that many years already adds useful habits to his life. And you need to admit that such a strategy allows it to look great

Aurora says that many years already adds useful habits to his life. And you need to admit that such a strategy allows it to look great

Photo: Personal archive

- Some time ago, you wanted to make a culinary program about a healthy diet on TV, but the producers feared under the pretext that it was interesting only within the Garden Ring. Did anything change?

- Changed, I no longer want to make such a program. I now again idol children, because the fourth season has been leading the children's program "Big Holidays".

- In one of the interviews, you said that you do not want to brand in the past and look like a church ...

"I don't want to be an old boring club." But, apparently, it does not threaten me. (Laughs.) I constantly come up with something new. All the time I put in front of me new tasks and arrange some interesting divids.

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