Manicure on Feng Shui: how to paint your nails so that you caught luck


Manicure in Feng Shui aims to help a person find harmony with the outside world. So, using several colors or symbols in a manicure, you can draw attention to those spheres in which you need to achieve success.

The right hand is given, and the left - the receiving energy. We get what we give - this is the law of the energy cycle. Values ​​of fingers are also different. For example, through the thumb is "luck", through the index - "power", through the middle of the finger there is a Canal Saturn, who is responsible for love affairs, the ringless finger is considered to be a channel of the Sun, the activation of which stimulates a cash success and a profitable decision of business issues, and the little finger answers For sincere calm, health, family hearth.

Julia provides this service in the cabin

Julia provides this service in the Sanser salon

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The color of the manicure on Feng Shui should reflect the inner world, the character that, according to Feng Shui, is determined from that which of the natural elements you belong. To determine your element, you should only remember the last digit of your birth. If your digit is 0 or 1, then your element is "metal". Manicure colors - silver, white, gold and copper shades. Decor, symbolizing metal - coins, sequins and rhinestones, beads or special foils. If your digit is 2 or 3, then your element is "water." The color of the manicure is in the blue and blue gamns of shades, the white and pearl, varnishes of chameleons are allowed. Drawings and decorations are suitable, personifying water element - marine abode, shells, pearls, or waves and abstract divorces. If your digit is 4 or 5, then your element is "tree".

Green - Tree Color

Green - Tree Color

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All the natural, natural shades of color are green and brown shades palette, black, white colors, gold are possible. As decoration it is necessary to choose floral ornaments - twigs, leaves, lianas, flowers, butterflies or birds. If your digit is 6 or 7, then your element is "fire." All shades of red are suitable - from pale pink and orange to the crimson and color of red wine. You can decorate nails with sparkles, rhinestones in the appropriate range, the images of the sun, sunrise or sunset. If you dropped out the number 8 or 9, then your element is "earth". The best color for manicure is natural and pastel shades: beige, bodily, brown color gamut and black, but in the company with the above colors. For decoration, use images of minerals, vegetation and animals, favorable patterns in the form of circles, multicolored dots.

Purple - Very important color Feng Shui - Mystery color

Purple - Very important color Feng Shui - Mystery color

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Select color combinations should also carefully. Relying on the color symbolism, you should pick up the color for those nails that you decide to highlight, and then select the main color. In the selection of the primary color, the overall emotional color characteristic should be taken into account. For example, to attract love, new acquaintances and ties, the perfect color will be red, while the blue best contributes to mental activity. To attract money, turquoise color is perfect. For those who seek to develop and strengthen the quality of the leader, you should give preferences to gold and purple colors. Those who wish to find the inner harmony and develop the intuition in themselves blue and purple shades. Blue is the color of the sky, violet - very important color Feng Shui - the color of the mystery. White color is the color of good and fits all.

Select those fingers whose energy you want to strengthen

Select those fingers whose energy you want to strengthen

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And those who did not occur to the idea with a multi-colored manicure to taste, can come up and the second option - to allocate one definite finger to strengthen the help of you with the highest strength in some sphere of life. The main thing is that you (and not surrounding) have seen that this finger is different from others, and knew what a similar manicure was made.

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