Anna Kalashnikova: "I would like to say about our wedding for a long time"


The former girl of Prokhor Shalyapin, the singer Anna Kalashnikova, broke the heart to thousands of subscribers, saying in "Instagram", which marries. Now the thoughts of the secular lioness are busy with the upcoming wedding. Well, the model told about the proposal itself, the future wedding and even ... surrogate motherhood.

- Anna, tell us how exactly your chosen one made you a hand and heart offer?

- It happened in Dubai. We rested there on the New Year holidays and perfectly spent time - visited restaurants, went to concerts, rode a sailboat on the Persian Bay, walked a lot. Ivan all organized in the best form. He made me an offer suddenly when we were together in the desert, and then again - in front of close friends on the yacht. Of course, I was delighted, I was very waiting for this moment, but I did not expect it to happen in our vacation.

- Why not expected?

- You see, the 2020th year was heavy, many nerves ... And we rested in Dubai, relaxed and restored, I didn't want to think about anything. Of course, when you are in a serious relationship, a marriage is a step, which is sooner or late, but you still need the same, because it is very important to legally legalizing the relationship, I am so raised. I love Vanya and would like to build a family with him, so I knew that someday it would happen. Moreover, together for more than a year. But still it was suddenly and exciting. I'm very happy!

Offer's hands and hearts Ivan made Anna twice

Offer's hands and hearts Ivan made Anna twice

Photos from a personal archive

- Already there are thoughts about the future wedding?

- A lot of thoughts, discuss almost every day. I would like to walk in Moscow in Moscow with friends and colleagues, call your familiar artists, to roll the day to the whole world, so that our wedding is told for a long time, and then together go on a chic resort and spend time alone without fuss and hurry, because the organization Weddings In any case, we will be both nervous cells. But I already know what I want from the wedding dress: an exclusive model, stitched specifically for me according to my standards, more stones, but within a reasonable, long loop. Elegant, stylish dress, not from the "Baba on the cake" series, but I like the multi-layeredness. And, of course, the dress will be far from one at the celebration.

- Began some preparation for marriage?

- Gradually begin training. Now there is a lot of work, as I have recently returned from the rest and almost every day I have been taken by shooting and ether, searching for songs, the promotion of the new video "disarmed", in which, by the way, Vanya starred. Already many sentences from various agencies and organizers, we will study and choose together. Every detail is important for me, so work is to have a lot, but these are pleasant troubles.

- Did you think about the fact that in this marriage there is still a child?

- Of course, I would like to still a girl and a boy. We want three children. Always dreamed of a big family. My perfect picture is a house, a loved one and many children. I'm trying to persuade Vanya for surrogate motherhood, and he still doubts this, wants everything to be natural.

Anna Kalashnikova and Ivan Semenov are going to arrange grand wedding festivities

Anna Kalashnikova and Ivan Semenov are going to arrange grand wedding festivities

Photos from a personal archive

- Since they spoke about children, I can not help but ask about your son's life. What is fond of, doing now?

- Danechka is a very inquisitive child, everything is interested in him. Because of the pandemic, we visit classes, do everything at home - teachers and speech therapists come to us, we prepare the child gradually to school. Danya speaks well, knows how to read and write a little. I used to love cars and football, now I like to sculpt and collect "Lego". He has favorite cartoons and films. The child is already very adult, a lot understands. I do not want him to develop for show business, but I develop it in dancing, music, teach English with him. Now I am going to give it to the pool, as soon as the pandemic is over, because he loves to swim. During his life in Spain, Danya got used to the sea and the sun. Also consider boxing. I want him to grow by a real man and became a businessman, and did not go to the creative profession.

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