Horoscope for April: watch what you say



If in April you continue to wait for Manna Heaven, be sure: nothing good will happen. It will only be further lazy and complain about fate. Therefore, boldly take life into your hands and work day and night - will achieve more.


In April, your combat mood will have to be likewise: the changes are knocking on the door. Boredom and Routine, who pursued you all winter, retreat, but now have to cope with the new problem: how to find time for all intended projects?


Returning twins want to relax and relax, ideally somewhere on Bali with a glass of cocktail. You are ready to forget even about the problems of friends and work difficulties. But, if you don't think on time, stayed in proud loneliness and without money.


Fortunately, for the winter, the optimism of cancers is not ugas, so in the midst of the spring of their hearts are filled with dreams and new ideas. Only the lack of faith in ourselves can prevent me, but it's quite easy to cope with it: there are more in society in society and communicate with people close in spirit.

a lion

It comes a difficult month for Lviv, it will be necessary not only to deal with the past cases, but also to demonstrate all their talents. In love affairs, not everything is too smooth. Selected or chosen one can overcome you with his jealousy for the slightest misdeed.


Devs should discard all doubts and be more confident. Only in this case, success on a professional and love front will not wait long for a long time. At the same time, this will help you cope with the goats of enemies and neutralize conflict situations.


The proverb about the enemy floating past the corpse this month does not apply to you. To cope with the fallen difficulties, you will have to independently take the situation in your hands. I don't expect easy solutions, but know firmly: good luck will be accompanied by.


It is not too practical and economical scorpions in April worth thinking about their financial position. If you begin to analyze your expenses, already by the beginning of the summer you can get a decent amount, and what to spend it, you know a long time ago.


Personal life in April goes to the fore. If the alliance with your half nothing but scandals and disorders, you do not bring you, then it's time to place all the points over "I". Remember: move forward much better than sitting in a cozy swamp.


This month, Capricorn should be distracted from the universal adoration of colleagues and friends and think about the soul. I deserved painstaking work so that you constantly praise, but try not to drown in a flattery - it is much more useful to look at yourself from the side.


Passion, which will soon be raging around, are able to overlook you, but be vigilant and control your emotional state. The reaction to what is happening is better to keep with me, so as not to cause additional gossip.


Do not be afraid of sharp change, then the month will bring you only pleasant surprises. This is especially true of personal relationships, which just visited a dead end. Now you have to decide: is there a number of people with whom you want to spend all your life?

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