Everything that has been acquired by unbearable work: Celabritis, which often rob


Often the victims of fraudsters are not only ordinary citizens, but also celebrities. Nastasya Sambursk, too, managed to circle around the finger.

The indignation of the actress expressed on his page in the social network "Instagram". Nastasya Sambursk unfortunately chose the hotel, going to France. One of the companies offered a good discount for accommodation in a luxury hotel if the celebrity will write a post with a review.

Ceboribritis, like ordinary people, are not insured against theft. So quite recently, the popular TV presenter Nastasya Samburskaya told how she was circled around the finger not somewhere, but in Cannes. The girl went with her friend to France, drove to the hotel when the vacation ended, returned home.

After some time, Nastasya found that almost two thousand euros removed from her card. As it turned out, the whole thing in the unclean is the owner of the hotel, who used guest credit card data.

It is not easy to be famous, because after you constantly monitor, and therefore, it is not so difficult to calculate the place of residence, which is not speaking about Deltsi that sell addresses and stars. We will tell about the most high-profile robbers of Celabritis.

Paris Hilton

Paris - the girl is bright, which often lures not too honest people. In 2008, the girl was robbed five times in 2008: the robbers made designer handbags, shoes and clothing. As it turned out, it is absolutely not necessary to hack the house, because among those who could not resist and grabbed something from the house of the star, and the guests of Paris were and when the girl arranged a party.

Paris Hilton

Paris Hilton


Lindsey Lohan

Another popular victim of robbers among the stars of Hollywood is Lindsay Lohan - a girl robbed almost every year. The last time from the house of Lohan, the contents of the safe, decoration and clothing in the amount of approximately $ 150 thousand were delivered. The robber was the 18-year-old young man who was caught after he hit the video surveillance camera.

Orlando Bloom

The house of the actor "facilitated" is not a simple thief, but the participant of the popular TV show: the girl carried out the property in the amount of half a million dollars. When the police arrived at the detention, the girl admitted the guilt to soften his punishment, and it came out - instead of six years in prison she received only six months.

Megan Fox

The girl was in the departure when her house was hacked. The robbers took only T-shirts and a gun, which belonged to the boyfriend of the actress. An attackers may not find, but after a while they were detained at the crime scene - they tried to open the castle of another house in the elite area of ​​Los Angeles. As it turned out, thieves turned out to be fetishists, the purpose of which was not in the receipt of profits from the sale of things, but personal use.

Kate Moss

The robbery of the model occurred right in her presence: the robbers got into the house of Moss, when her boyfriend and mother were together with the house model. Thiefs made an antiques and a portrait of a model that was created by a scandalous artist Banksy. However, it was not possible to leave the Warma, it was outstretched literally on the next street.

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