Get to iron: in what order to lay the right things


You sorted out in your home and got rid of unnecessary things. We hope that you have done it with all honesty and dedication.

Now proceed to the next stage - the organization of the necessary things. There are two basic principles of order - "every thing its place" and "similar to that". They are applicable to everything: files on a computer, dishes, products, tools, household chemicals and other things.

If each thing has its place, its finding will be reduced to two positions: a thing in its place awaits use or thing in the process of use. When the keys to the house and the car, the bag with pre-assembled documents are in their place, then the exit from the house takes a few seconds, instead of prolonged searches for the necessary things and the next delay to the meeting. Or if paper, scissors and drawing accessories lie in their specific box, then I can embark on creativity instantly, without significant emptyings in the "creative disorder" - when any inspiration goes.

Storage should be organized as simple as possible and so that any thing can be easily taken from its place. Then you will always be easy to appreciate how much things are there.

Examples of inorganized storage (from practice):

- To get the iron and ironing board, it is necessary: ​​to move the vacuum cleaner and a box with children's toys, open the door of the built-in wardrobe (with difficulty - it hinders a lot of things inside), shifting on the floor a few stack of checked clothes and finally get the desired. And then, from the corner of the room, dig an ironing board, which in a couple of weeks he overgrown with various documents, newspapers and clothing.

- To get a saucepan of 1.5 liters, it is necessary: ​​to rely on all kitchen cabinets, scolding in the floor of buckwheels for a couple of years ahead ahead of the household chemicals for plumbing, bath towels, a couple of unused mixers in factory packaging and a dozen solid-caliber frying pan. And after half an hour to get to the lowned saucepans with the mezzanine and another 10 minutes to select a cover to it.

As a rule, some of the designer and creative storage solutions look good only in the pictures and rarely really turn out to be useful. For example, a staircase in the house where there are retractable boxes in steps - it is inconvenient from the point of view of extra cleaning. And if you keep something something that is not sorry? Then the question arises: why in the house such things are needed at all? Or the desire to squeeze into any free angle superfunctional shelves - it closes the space and creates additional difficulties, which, in turn, creates difficulties to recall the location of a particular thing, not to mention that most of our "treasures" in life is not used at all And in the end, after many years it turns out on the garbage.

One of the most convenient storage methods: cabinets or dressers with extended boxes and racks with boxes or containers.

Details on the convenience of storage in each category will be in the following articles.

In the meantime, you can take the first step in organizing your space: to give yourself time for research and observation and honestly answer questions:

- How comfortable for me are things now?

- How to distribute them, according to the principles of order: "every thing is your place" and "similar to this"?

Andrei Ksenoks, Consultant on Issues, Guidance, Organization of Space, Time Management

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