Alexander Berdnikov: "I have another child in my plans"


The soloist of the Korni group Alexander Berdnikov took the older daughter Milan to the first class, and a few days before, Olga's wife from the hospital with small twins. Hurried to congratulate the hero's father.

- Alexander, now you have three daughters and one son. How do you feel as a large father?

- I always dreamed of a big family. I love when there are many children around: they play, noise, frolic. I have another child in the plans. (Smiles.)

- You probably have been shocked when it turned out that there will be twins?

"Of course, like many, I first thought that one child would appear, but God gave us two, and I was extremely happy. Not everyone happens in life.

Recently, Alexander Berdnikov took his wife from the hospital, who gave him twins

Recently, Alexander Berdnikov took his wife from the hospital, who gave him twins

Photo: Vladimir Sokolov

Ulyana Kalashnikova

- They say you did not know who would be born ...

- We only knew that there would be twins. At night, I took my wife to the hospital, sat seven hours in the receiving rest, worried, but when I saw the children, I took them on my hands, all the excitement retreated, there was an unspecified joy! Girls are so small. And, it seems like me like me and my older daughter.

- You called Rosa and Valentine's daughters ...

- Valentina in honor of my mom, the name of the rose chose Milan. Sometimes it seems to me that she did it under the impression of the cartoon "Barboskina". There is a heroine named Rose.

Milan, the eldest daughter Alexanda, not yet seven years old, but the girl has already set off to school. Milan went to the preparatory courses, and with pleasure engaged in dancing and vocals

Milan, the eldest daughter Alexanda, not yet seven years old, but the girl has already set off to school. Milan went to the preparatory courses, and with pleasure engaged in dancing and vocals

Lilia Charlovskaya

- How did Milan and her brother Marseille reacted to the fact that they are now two sisters?

- Children are very happy! Marseille, of course, wanted his brother, but in the end now he does not leave his sister. Senior are watching babies, kiss them, bring diapers, shirts. On the first day, when children were only brought, they did not even play their toys, did not watch cartoons, and spent the whole evening with the shaft and rose.

- Your tour of the chart and four children ... Not the simplest combination.

- Helps mother-in-law. Well, I myself do not have any day. I went on tour - I returned home. Of course, diapers change or feed the mixture is not quite mine, I'm afraid to do something wrong. I, rather, my children friend: We play together, having fun, walk. I love to do about the same thing as they: to ride a gyroscuter, go to the movies, including on cartoons.

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