Colin Firth: "The wife like no one else knows how to knock off me"


He is called an exemplary British, the embodiment of the aristocracy, an ideal man and, finally, Mr. Darcy. The last appeal displays Colin of the Firth of itself. He played in the adaptation of the novel "Pride and Prejudice" for more than twenty years ago and since then I have received "Oscar", and "Baftu", and the "Golden Globe" Actor still cannot get rid of the so-called "Darcy Curse". Which is hidden for a friendly smile and beautiful manners - in an interview.

- Colin, let's start predictable and sore. How many times a day you dance Mr. Darcy?

- in particularly successful days - never. (I have restrained smiling.) I dare to assume that if I spent a free watch for reading letters from fans, I would physically felt the presence of Darcy for my back. At times, I even thought: "Do not change my last name from the Firth on Darcy? Since everyone is so pleased so much. " But, fortunately, I have a narrow circle of friends and relatives - they never call me a word for the letter "D". With the exception of my spouse. She loves to welcome me in the morning, seeing a face molded from sleep. Periodically, I hear something like: "Oh, Mr. Darcy was known to wake up!".

- Interestingly, she means in mind your first Darcy or his natural "continuation" from "Bridget Jones"?

- They are very similar, which is characteristic. After all, in fact, the story about Miss Jones is such a modern "pride and prejudice", you do not find? So who specifically refers to Libya (Spouse Colin Firth, Libya Judezolly. - Approx. Aut.), It remains a mystery to me. The only thing I am confident is: this woman has a unique force - she like no one else can knock me down with me, lowering from heaven to the ground, gently and completely not insulting - but always very funny.

- Your wife is Italian, and you are a real Briton. And how do representatives of such different nations get along?

"I dare to remind you that, in addition to me, the British were LED Vishez and John Lennon, Keith Richards and Mick Jagger. Is it possible to say about them that they are famous and detached, as allegedly all representatives of this nation? Perhaps, they are rather passionate and unbridled, as allegedly all Italians, aren't it? I do not share stereotypes related to my nation - almost all but two. First, we all seem to me are extremely inert and lazy. Please note: Great Britain basically shows itself in "Sitting" sports - for example, in rowing or bikes. Strip into the uncharted, break off from the spaced places - not exactly for us. And yet, as a British, my compatriots seem to be permanently residing. And I as a true Englishman, who was not lagging behind His, spent almost all his life in confusion.

With Jennifer El at the actor, a fleeting novel happened

With Jennifer El at the actor, a fleeting novel happened

Photo: Frame from the movie "Pride and Prejudice"

- And yet, how do you walk with Libya?

- I was lucky how little could be lucky. In our marriage, almost everything except one detail. My wife is stunningly preparing, and cooks a lot. It is especially difficult when we come to Italy, for example, for Christmas - there I eat practically without stopping. With this, strictly speaking, you need to do something.

- It is rumored that the director who managed to turn you to the sport is Tom Ford, who called you in the film "Lonely Man," - directly called you, sorry, fat. So modified. It's true?

- Before starting shooting, Tom very politely said that if suddenly, for some reason, on any! "I want, quite by chance, take a couple of lessons at the fitness coach, he will gladly give me his own, and also pay these classes. Naturally, I heard his promise. That is, he heard him in his own way: "You are fat, Colin, and it's time to tie with it." Previously, my classes in the hall were purely nominal. On the rug for yoga, I preferred to sleep. (Smiles.) And here Mr. Ford with his offer. And then started shooting with Matthew Von, who immediately warned me that I would soon hate him, and his film "Kingsman: Secret Service." Just imagine! In order to embody on the screen in a special agent, able to deal with any rags, I, a person, thirty years, I played in dramas and the screenizations of classical works, I had to download some unknown muscles to me. I didn't even think that I had me. In general, to fifty years to be in the best physical form than was twenty, it's something.

- And what did you have in an unusual role? Eternal gentleman Mr. Firth quickly became those who can shut up for the belt of any enemy?

"You know if in Hollywood there was a rating of those actors, from which the coolness and games of the muscles are definitely impossible, then I would lead this rating. On the other hand, it's difficult for me to talk about the role - after all, in my piggy bank there were images of alcoholics, and nervous creative personalities, take at least the Vermeer from the "Girl with Pearl Earrings". And "lonely man"? You see, the statement that I always perform the roles of gentlemen, does not correspond to reality. I play very different people.

- You have become famous at the thirty-five years - a rather solid age for the actor. It is now difficult to imagine you, the Oscar premium laureate, a failed artist, and however, if your career was not so successful, - what would you do?

- No ideas! I am very, emphasizing - very! - Lazy and inbox. Somehow for the inertia my passion theater began to generate income, and here I am already in the frame. If it did not happen, I think, I would be interrupted by random earnings. Maybe it would become some small thread or a fraudster. Even at school, I did not particularly diligently with academic disciplines, preferred to read something alternative instead of software books. So an excellent student in a suit with an excited collar, which cinema made me, I was never. Sorry for disappointing. (Smiles.)

The image of Mr. Darcy is good luck, and the curse of the Firth

The image of Mr. Darcy is good luck, and the curse of the Firth

Photo: Frame from the film "Bridget Jones"

- And your parents - how did they react to your unconscious choice of profession?

- My parents were teachers and, like all good teachers, with infinite patience and understanding related to all my few searches. With dignity survived and overborn my youth riots. Have you thought that I was born polite and calm? Unfortunately no. (Laughs.) Of course, I did not reach the rocker in the cucumber on a motorcycle, but drunks, and even experiments with forbidden drugs. Loudly refused any authorities, protested. So my mother with dad had to apply all his experience and all his charm to bring me back in the Lono family. I am glad that they did.

- They did not try to "pass" you at all to universities?

- I think they have seen well that I am not from those boys who should receive academic education. The fact is that Komara has more attention, perfection and concentration.

- Such understanding parents are now proud of you?

"While I performed the roles of classic romantic lovers and the heroes of Shakespeare's plays, they seemed to them a very worthy occupation. But how they coped with the fact that their son sings very doubtfully and fears in Mamma Mia! ", I don't know. I think they laughed in whether it was worth it to make me on the light. (Laughs.)

- So you started talking about your fun role. Did you like to sing?

- Do you hope that I will answer yes? (Laughs.) I am afraid that my Rauds cause some misunderstanding, some tensions between me and the world around me. My enthusiasm in singing and the enthusiasm of the rest of the world is converged in the desire to silence me. Somehow I sang on the birthday of my wife under the screams: "Hush!" But I liked it.

- Was it difficult to convince your spouse's parents in the fact that you are what is needed for Libya? How was the acquaintance?

- She led home long awkward Englishman. First problem. He is almost ten years older - the second one! He actor - that's all the cards against me, you know? That is, they were very miles and polite, but nevertheless I am not the best son-in-law in the presentation of normal parents. Before me there was a task to learn the tongue to look more or less adequate.

- And now your marriage is almost twenty years old! You are simply obliged to share the secrets of such a successful union. After all, such long-playing relationships are rare not only for the acting environment.

"I just always stop myself and easily mini temptation." All the charming ladies flirting with me, compare with my wife. The fact that Libya is the most beautiful woman in the world, there is no doubt. Apparently, in it the whole secret and lies.

With Italian Libya Gundzha Firth together for almost twenty years. Couple has two children

With Italian Libya Gundzha Firth together for almost twenty years. Couple has two children

Photo: Rex Features /

- If you had to choose between London and Rome, where would you prefer to live?

"Fortunately, I didn't have to stand before the choice, but if it happened, I would choose Italy. I'm not just in love with her, I'm married on her! Live and figurative sense.

- As we found out, Rocker did not work in Kurat. But you look a real dandy! Or is it another illusion of the acting world?

"All that wearing me, right up to my socks is not my merit." And I am happy to delegate the authority to choose the clothes in this case in this matter. They will hurt them, they understand it.

- And who are they - stylists?

- Until some, it was Libya, the wife has a wonderful taste! But now the designers themselves, with whom I made friends, offer me gorgeous costumes.

- That is, you acknowledge that they do not understand at all?

- You see, most men actors in the breaks between the sock of historical costumes of the Victorian era and outfits in the style of the fifties prefer stretched shirts and free pants. Everything will suit what falls at hand. Even pajamas go to move. And imagine: you come to you and say: "I have a suit for you. Do not worry, I know all your measurements. Keep. " I understand that it sounds as if I am terribly capricious and spoiled by the glory, and I am even ready to obey this. But, in the end, I really can't look at myself from the side and appreciate what I look. Such lucky ones - once or two and turned around. Each time on the red carpet, they look perfect. I look at the solemn events over times over time, and a good suit does not allow me to dissolve. (Laughs.)

- Do you have any definite career goals?

- Oh, my god, that you! Of course not. I do not think about it at all. Planning is not my strength. And if you are frank, I do not see the point in the detailed elaboration of each of your step and action. And in the end, it turns out that the lack of plans turns into unexpected pleasant surprises. I do not want to seem smug, but I like how everything adds in my life. Everything is very good.

- How do you like a romantic sex symbol of several generations?

- You correctly noticed the period - several generations! I am old for such ranks. Yes, and Libya does not give me opportunities to seriously perceive such titles. In general, I started an interview with warnings for a long time: "Speak that I am a sex symbol - and I will immediately leave." And now I just have fun to hear it all.

- What is George, Clooney? Khm ... I would say ... Well, if I were a girl, he could get into the number of those who would be in my taste.

- And about Jennifer Lopez, did you mean consciously?

- Yes. (Smiles.)

- Colin, very soon you will be fifty-six years old. Have you come across a middle-aged crisis?

- Frankly, I have stayed in it for a long time. (Laughs.) No, no crazy actions like raw shopping expensive cars I did not commit. And I do not consider my penis clock, sorry. By the way, by experience, the best way to overcome this crisis is children. When someone is obvious to you next to you, who is clearly more important than you yourself, someone who needs your attention and love more than you yourself, - all accents are shifted.

Colin Firth:

The role of a stuttering monarch George VI brought Colin the golden statuette "Oscar". The actor is confident that this picture is a gift for fate.

Photo: Frame from the movie "The king says!"

- Have you had no gusts to make plastic, which is now popular even among men?

"I am absolutely sure that for the actor the natural course of time and the imprint, which he imposes on the face, is the most important comrades in the profession. And there is no catastrophe more than losing your face, the ability to express the whole range of emotions. So no operations for me will cost without injuries and scalpels, thanks.

- Well, but you, no doubt, somehow support yourself in a great form? Here are hiking to the gyms ... and by the way, in Hollywood circles, they say that you are an activist "green" movement. Does a vegetarian diet stick?

- Libya and I really got green. The wife even began to appear in secular rounds exclusively in sets from eco-designers. Libya stands for the rational food intake - ensures that our diet is environmentally friendly. And of course, we try not to eat Fast Food. That before vegetarianism is definitely not about me. But I gladly support the undertakings of Libya. For example, we opened a small shop in London, in which we offer buyers just "clean" products.

- You have two children with Libya, as well as an adult son from the first marriage. How do siblings react to dad superstar? Are proud?

- We decided not to injure ahead of the time, so the sons did not see films with my participation. It seems to me that they do not quite understand the essence of my profession and would be more pleased if the dad was a builder. The eldest, William, very reservedly assesses my successes - we have excellent relationships with him, but we will refrain about my acting about my acting.

- That is, you do not let your dips on the profession of the actor?

- I am sure that this path is completely uninteresting themselves. In the end, they will definitely apply their knowledge and skills in some more noble and important sphere, I'm just sure.

- Are you lucky?

- I am convinced of this. Judge for yourself: not applying effort, almost by chance I am happy on all fronts. Do not dare to complain!

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