Survive autumn: How to cope with the off-season handra


Human organism - the mechanism is extremely sensitive: it responds to all external changes, including the change of seasons. Therefore, it is not surprising that in September we feel tired, the mood will deteriorate, and in conversations, the word "depression" is beginning in conversations. However, it is not worth falling into it. Instead, it makes sense to find out the reasons for beginners and adopt prophylactic measures.


The cause of autumn avitaminosis is simple - this is a decrease in the average daily temperature. It would seem, after summer, our body must be fully "equipped with all the necessary elements. However, in the cold time, the need for vitamins grows by 40-60 percent, while the diet changes dramatically: useful vegetables and fruits are replaced by more calorie refined products. For our time zone, the autumn period is characterized by a lack of vitamins of the group B1, B6 and vitamin C, but the number of all others is declining noticeably. Food additives will solve the problem - it is better to consult them with a doctor, or a diet: seasonal vegetables, sauer cabbage, nuts and dried fruits, black bread and greens should be added to his daily diet.


In the fall, the light day is becoming shorter, and our body does not immediately manage to "switch" to new biorhythms. As a result - drowsiness and fatigue. Over time, we are somehow used to this regime, but in the period of the offseason, the awakening turns into a real torture. To help your body, start the day with a small workout, a contrasting soul and sweet tea that will not only warm, but also activates the work of the brain. And before bed, you can eat a banana. It contains tryptophan that promotes sleep normalization.

Bad mood

The absence of the Sun is affected not only for performance, but also on our mood. If the emotional state is zero, the sport will help. Moreover, the concept is very tensile - any physical activity is welcome. And the greatest benefits will bring walks in the fresh air. A 30-minute mione before work will help to saturate blood oxygen and maintain the total tone of the body, and if you go for a walk by the evening, then the problems with sleep are allowed by themselves.

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