Alexey Vorobiev: "Inaction - not my life philosophy"


He stated himself as a screenwriter and director, introduced everyone with his first directory works, removed in Los Angeles-video clip to the song "Be, please, Look at the poetry of Robert Christmas, and the teaser to his future film" Watch your back. "

- Alexey, you disappeared so long because of what happened in your life now? Rumored rumors that you "come out in the distance"?

What happened in recent years in my life made me think. It turned out that you need to stop and reboot. It happened so that many eight months I could not work, I did not speak a part, some of the face did not work at all, and the doctors said that I could hardly dig up, I would hardly be filmed into the cinema, continue my career.

I did not know how I would continue to go in life, as I would live if I can't return to the profession as an actor and singer. But I am a person who is used to working every day. Inaction is not my vital philosophy. He began writing symphonic music to films, scenarios and learn to shoot as director. It gave me the opportunity to continue to engage in creativity. It happened that my scenario got into the hands of the American company Aldamis, which removed the "City of Sin -2". They liked the idea, and they offered me to remove the short teaser to see if I could cope with such a picture as a director. My work Americans were satisfied, and now looking for investors to this project.

- You have a lot of roles in your movie, so why did you refuse to play in Hollywood so long?

I wondered for several years that the cinema or music was more important to me and decided that the music was most important for me. Before performing at the Eurovision contest, I had fifteen roles in my shoulders. I also starred from Fedor Bondarchuk and other famous and remarkable directors, but then I understood that I can live without a movie, but there is no music. When I received an offer to play in a movie in Hollywood, thanks to the incredible efforts of my producer of Katerina, then it coincided with Eurovision. Under no circumstances were going to give up the role and tried to combine, but it was necessary to choose. And I chose music. But the time has shown that I returned to work in the movie.

- How did you learn to install, because it is difficult?

Everything is very simple, in the modern world can now learn a lot, it's enough to go to YouTube and download video clips. I did not have the opportunity to go to the movie school, spend at this time, sat and he studied himself. Then a lot has mastered on the set, I am a talented self-taught.

- It's nice that you are also a lucky person, finally reached Hollywood, started working there.

Getting to Hollywood is very simple, stay there is very difficult. Need to work without stopping.

I work a lot, I try not to sleep at all so as not to lose precious time. Recently, in Madrid recorded a new album, after that flew to Minsk to shooting, and now I go to work in America. I constantly do something, "hoarse."

I used to take everything as proper, I represented my life, as if I could jump from the skyscraper, and nothing would happen to me, but it turned out that it was not.

Now I understand that life can break up overnight, so grateful to the fate for not bothering me.

- It is often said that about anyone that the fact is written to become popular and, looking at you come thoughts that everything is given to you easily and simply, all the doors themselves open. What do you think about this?

Regarding popularity, I tried for many years to break through the doors of the Russian show of the Russian show - business and that I did not do, they did not open, apparently there were good reasons that prevented my career. I wanted to pay tribute to His producer Katerina Groundman - Valdek, a low bow to her and respect. This is a person with a fantastic energy that breaks through any walls. And when in my life, it came again a difficult moment, she supported me, instilling hope, so I stopped believing myself.

- Now you have a life again with life. And how in personal life, sorry for the indiscreet question - stagnation? And before you were attributed to many novels.

Regarding my novels, I am amazed by the fictions and fantasies of our press. Sometimes it seems to me that journalists will come up with everything on the go. I always had only work in the first place.

- Your example really inspires. What do you wish your fans?

Probably, in life, everything is fine and perfectly never happens, but you need to work on my dream every day! I wish to believe in my dream and in myself!

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