This horror: films on Halloween to watch with a man


Today's night, probably, the most terrible year. In almost every night club there are thematic parties, where guests compete in that whose costume zombie or Vurdalaka is the most realistic and creepy.

If you are not going to celebrate Halloween in a noisy company, we suggest you spend this evening at home in front of the TV screen or a laptop watching horror or thriller. So that it was not so scary, ask your man to make you a company. We offer our own top 5 films that will allow you to feel the atmosphere of the holiday and not fall asleep all night.

"Curse of the nun"

James Wang over the past few years have managed to establish itself as the best horror meker in the world. Probably everyone saw at least one film that was removed by this Australian. One of his paintings deserves your attention today's night. The film shrewd around the history of the damned monastery in Romania will appeal to an absolutely every lover of mystical stories. Just do not make the sound too loud: in the film a lot of consisters.


Classic horror genre. The film was initially removed in Japan, but almost immediately after the exit received incredible popularity worldwide, naturally, Hidoo's Hidao director was not accepted and removed by Rimek. We advise you to see both versions: Japanese and Hollywood and draw up your opinion, what is better.

"A Nightmare on Elm Street"

The cult franchise consisting of 9 films. The character, which was embodied on the screen Robert Inglund, probably one of the most popular and recognizable images for Halloween. The mystical killer Freddie Kruger scared not one generation of young people since the 80s. If for some reason you have not seen a single movie about the kruger, why not do it today, hugging up with my spouse or a guy under the blanket. The picture will not leave you indifferent.


A few years ago, the picture on the novel Stephen King received a second breath: the Rimea of ​​the original film about the clown killer became the most cash horror in history. Most recently came out the second part, which also brought considerable profit creators. The original version of the film is considered one of the best shields of King's books. We strongly recommend to devote the evening to view both versions: you will with a partner will discuss after viewing.

"Silent Hill"

Another hit this evening - mystical "Silent Hill". The main monster from the film is almost the same as a cult kruger, although the film itself came out relatively recently - in 2006. The film is pretty creepy, especially if you look alone. Impressions for the next few days are guaranteed.

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