Taisiya Igumentseva: "The husband from the scarlet flower turned into a monster"


Husband - actor, wife - director, which is already non-standard. Sergey Abroskin and Taisiya Igumentsev - a couple, evading media, but for a long time noticed in decent work. He is a game in performances in the studio-studio Sergey woman, on the films "Guy from Mars", "Gulyai, Vasya!", "Happiness, Health!". She is a loud start, recognition at the International Film Festival in Cannes and the last paintings, which takes off under the pseudonym Tatiana Captain. Together they have been seven years old, but they admit that so far have not studied each other to the end. Details - in an interview with the magazine "Atmosphere".

- Curious, do you remember in detail the moment of your dating?

Sergey: It happened on the casting in the Baumanskaya metro area, where we are just living.

Taisiya: I then removed my first graduation film "Road on", which, as it turned out later, influenced not only my professional future, but also for a personal life. We are together for seven years, and it is convenient for us to count our anniversary. Of course, then first of all I looked at Seryozhe as an artist and remembered it in performances in the studio studio. And quite exactly, I fell in love with the hero, and then, as it turned out, the character of Sergei Abroskin was absolutely coincided with what was written in my scenario. That is, in some sense, I myself came up with my husband myself, and later fate connected us.

- Taisiya, and what did the future spouse attracted?

Taisiya: The immediacy and freedom of action. It often happens that the artists coming to the casting are trying to like. And Sergey had some complete extension, as if he was not very necessary.

Sergey: The fact is that I knew where she was - some kind of ordinary student graduation work. I would have this sincere detachment on the castings of large projects! It is known that when overly trying, nothing good comes out. And Tasi had a story where the character is being frantic in the yards, thus expressing their inequacy. I did not appreciate it, it's good or bad, myself did not swear with myself ... Only now I sometimes surfaches ...

Taisiya Igumentseva:

"For seven jointly leaving years, the husband became more daring, brazen, fearless. From a scarlet flower, he turned into a monster. And I my soul"

Photo: Personal archive of Sergey Abroskin and Taisiy igumens

- This is despite the fact that you, despite the obvious inclination to the exact sciences, have played football since childhood and immediately after school entered the Moscow State Academy of Physical Culture. Rati originated much later ...

Sergey: It's like that. I easily coped with mathematics and now I think perfectly, but I played in football, so I felt normally two years in my first university, although it was gradually missing some spirituality, cultural enrichment, and I drew attention to theatrical university. So, returning to the first meeting with the future wife, I saw a spectacular brown in the director's chair, I tried her and went well home. Everything twisted only in the process of filming. I watched a gambling girl, and for some reason I was insecluded to her. Almost the first time with me happened so powerful love. Before that, I have repeatedly heard how many tell about a clear understanding that you are in front of you your native person, and here I am collided with it.

Taisiya: And in my case, this is a miracle that I composed myself a hero, and later she met such a real person. Despite the fact that Sergey older than me for seven years, we grow together, develop ... At first, he seemed to me with such a "scarlet flower", always playing saints, blissful, but we all change ... and by the way, I still have not learned my husband to End, each time I open it from the new side, and it is incredibly interesting in family relationships.

- In your case, was it also a gradual awareness of your own feelings?

Taisiya: You know, I am absolutely not a romantic and does not feel so thinly this life as many. Maybe this is a professional directorial feature - to maintain composure. But I can tell about the turning event in our relationship. About such a tragic episode in Yaroslavl. I also caught myself on attraction to Sergey, I wanted to stay alone with him. In one day I managed to agree that we put us for a lunch break to get to warm in the car - a strange, old, green "Moskvich". Sergey and I sat together on the back seat, and since I was afraid to speak with him, demonstrate some emotions, was silent and gave way to a cinema pilaf. Sergey led himself the same, the tension literally increased, and then the driver was discharged to the atmosphere - he flopped into the chair and with the words: "I will warm up you now!" - sharply ghazal, all of our pilaf took off into the air, we were getting laughed at the same time ... and somehow I was convinced of our feelings to each other.

Taisiya Igumentseva:

In the comedy "Gulia, Vasya!" Abroskin played Garik

Photo: Frame from the movie "Guliai, Vasya!"

- I wonder how quickly you got married?

Taisiya: Exactly three months later, as we started a romantic relationship. In life, you need to be brave and be able to take responsibility for your actions.

Sergey: I remember how the proposal of the hand and hearts did. And we drank champagne from plastic cups, sitting on the grass at the Slavic Square, at the Metro "China-City", well, I offered her to become my wife. Tasya still remembers this stupid situation and offer without a ring. (Smiles.)

- Taisiya, you impress a very independent person. Such usually quickly link themselves for marriage ...

Taisiya: I was twenty-one for me, and my character has not yet completely formed, I was peculiar to creative maximalism. But I got married exactly in love. (Smiles.)

- Wedding was organized on the original scenario?

Taisiya: Yes, in my opinion. We played her in July, in Peredelkin, in the House of Writers. I wanted to do without Tamada, and not because I don't like all this traditional entourage, but because we wanted somehow not to tritely celebrate the celebration so that it is preserved in the memory of our environment. Still, this event is not for the groom with the bride, and more for their parents and relatives. Therefore, I invited the theater clowns that entertained us throughout the day.

Sergey: Guests gathered not very much - a man thirty. Only close and friends. There was a godfather Tasi, comrades her dad on a student bench ... And when he was dark, the fiery show began, which we also ordered. So everyone stayed in complete delight.

The actor admits that now working with the spouse-director has become hard

The actor admits that now working with the spouse-director has become hard

Photo: Frame from the movie "Baby For Rent"

- Probably, the image of the bride was stunning ...

Taisiya: If you think that I sewed some kind of unique, luxurious dress, then mistaken: I bought the first thing in the store. I do not pay special attention to all this purely female things. I am more important to some events, impressions than external entourage and feeling beautiful. It even seems to me that excessive acceleration of attention on yourself is a real plague of the present century.

- Well, and how did your new spouse appear then?

Taisiya: And I even lost it at some point - he left hanging out with a woman, and I stayed with my friends.

Sergey: In principle, the wedding is a test. Not too fun. But it must be adequate to withstand in sight of everyone.

- Even for the artist, is this a problem?

Sergey: I am from the category of actors who are revealed when they have a full calm in their soul. In noise, bustle, Paphos, next to some cool people, I will behave enough secretly, without a demonstration of something like a public. This is not a job.

- By the way, Sergey, and how much do you organically take off the girl in love with? After the debut short films, Taisii participated in the next full-length picture "Returns!".

Sergey: At first I was comfortable. On the first movie, on the second ... But on the third - "30 dates" - it became somehow hard. I have repeatedly heard that some actresses work with their second half-directories is difficult. Real scandals occur when the whole group boils the ears and leaves the battlefield. We do not let such scenes, but I discovered that a family in a row is not always good. Personal is superimposed on a professional, which is not beneficial to relationships. It is not by chance that wise people try not to mix work and the house. But maybe someday we get to break this vicious circle and work together with pleasure.

Taisiya: I just think that in creative fake, let it even in conflict, can be born something really worthwhile. Perhaps I was unnecessary demanding to Sergey, knowing that he was capable of more. I wanted to prove myself and my husband, and the entire set, that Abroscino is extremely talented and here is not just so.

Taisiya Igumentseva:

"Road to" awarded the Prize of the Cannes Film Festival

Photo: Frame from the movie "Road to"

- Taisiya, sorry, and is it "30 dans" - is your movie?

Taisiya: Yes. Three years ago, when I was convinced that publicity does not bring me happiness, decided to take the pseudonym Tatiana Captain and shoot high-quality, comedy tapes. Such, for example, as "babies for rent" with an equal chicken or "30 dates" with Natalia Medvedeva. But since I practically do not give interviews, not everyone knows about it.

- Why do you avoid publicity?

Taisiya: Just live by other values. This is my conscious choice. I do not strive to spend energy, lose yourself, keep a double life: its own and social networks, in the media. What is it all? I tried, wrapped myself two thousand subscribers for a month and cool. You see, I do what I like, but it is not obsessed to exhibit my person in a person.

"Taisiya, you have a fairly successful biography: Your" road to "at the Cannes Film Festival as part of the cinefondation student contest has been awarded the first place. And then you received a diploma of the laureate "For the author's courage and nonconformism" at the Festival "Kinotavr" and the Grand Prix of the International Film School Festival for Young Directories. Natural extravagant!

Taisiya: The dream of any cinema is to go through the red carpet of the Cannes Film Festival, and I managed to do it twice. I will refrain from commenting how much it affects your career, but I can talk about entourage. So, the first time my outfit was emerald brown, in a Russian style from Victoria Gazinskaya, who positively noted American competitors, and for the second time I had to have a dark fracture, as I planned. Of course, the legendary staircase in Cannes is essentially shorter than it seems on TV, and the cinema itself is inconspicuous outside, although pompous inside. But no matter how pleasant all the rewards and prizes were, it's all from the evil ...

But now Taisiya takes his paintings under the pseudonym Tatyana Captain

But now Taisiya takes his paintings under the pseudonym Tatyana Captain

Photo: Frame from the movie "Returns"

- You have both in the past there is a unifying moment: Taisiya graduated from the Orthodox gymnasium, and Sergey saw himself a seminarist ...

Taisiya: In religious exhibitions, we are today, but I have not connected us to religion.

- Do you discuss working moments at home?

Sergey: Naturally, we are all discussing at home.

Taisiya: Sergey is very afraid to play performances when I am present in the hall. I always tell the truth and is configured to stimulate it. But, alas, one day, thanks to my presence, Sergey completely forgot the text. He opened his mouth, and hung a five-minute pause.

Sergey: Yes, for me it is a nightmare. No flight and improvisation. When Tasya comes, I am immediately not my own, Covan, I can not configure himself on the game. I do not know why this happens ... But when mom in the hall, I have the same trouble.

- Taisiya: Sergey, and you specify a spouse on the flaws?

Sergey: I do not criticism by nature. What is the point of discussing the process? It is better to look at the result and evaluate it. I see how much trouble is invested in order to build the characters of the heroes, the whole storyline. And the wife has so bright personality as its director's handwriting is original. She has a character like a quiet, and then the explosion follows, and in her films the same happens. Plus, all this is complemented by paradoxes, cynical black humor. Tasya virtuoso complements the text with jokes. And like any movie created by a woman, it is more sincere, sensual and warm.

Taisiya Igumentseva:

Frame from the movie "30 dates"

- The director is so brutal ... Some men's manifestations in Taisi are present?

Sergey: She always captures leadership positions.

Taisiya: I feminine, but no one has canceled the Will's power. I know how to manage people, convince them.

- For seven jointly years, have you already formed sustainable traditions? How to spend your free time?

Taisiya: Every free day is painted with all sorts of events. Very love quests - the other day I visited the funny "Egyptian pyramid", where the sand was found, crawling allegedly in Tutankhamon's tomb. We love to go to the circus, on yoga, and very strange, where it is necessary to lie in the dark under the blankets and listen to gong. Were at the fungi festival, and on oriental dances also went together. All as an experiment. We are a bit eccentricated. (Smiles.) Sometimes the audience is accidentally randomly. And when we stay at home, take board games - also our long-standing passion.

Sergey: We are really big fans of all uncharted. Recently, I went to the concert-tango, and Tasya still constantly slaughters on insane attractions. She is not afraid of height, unlike me, and I overdo myself. (Smiles.)

Taisiya: I would say that, plunging into the uncharted, thus studying people around and ourselves through these people. I am chameleon, who is still saving new colors for his skin, to use mimicry at the right moment. By the way, in the summer I decided to implement an acting environment in a familiar husband - graduated from the "School of Drama Herman Sidakov" - and learned a lot of new things about such a thin tool as a soul, and how to bare.

Taisiya Igumentseva:

In the role of Berlioz in the play "Master and Margarita"

Photo: Alexander Ivanishin / Press Service Sergey Genovac Theater

- Sergey in the director does not seek, as I understand it ...

Sergey: Probably not. But sometimes I participate in work on the scenario - Tasya tests for me jokes. About the directist somehow did not think. But I want something new, completely from the other environment, I generally have a mathematical warehouse of mind ...

"Taisiya, somehow, while still promising a student, you said that there are few cinematographers among your friends, as they are mostly limited and you are bored with them. Since then, have not changed their opinion?

Taisiya: I constantly recall my quotation of a seventeen-year-old teenager. Over the years I have learned to appreciate people and revised a lot of things. As for my statement, I do not want to offend cinematographers, but I am sure that for shooting films it is necessary to have a broad erudition, a sufficient volume of knowledge in all areas and tirelessness in the study of life in all its aspects. For this reason, I did not want to see only the bohemian side, limited to the walls of Vgika, where in the sidelines is discussed exclusively, who removed or looked. I needed space, communication with the people, adrenaline.

Taisiya Igumentseva:

In the play of the "suicide" of the Studio of theatrical art of Sergey Genovich in the form of the father of the Epidia

Photo: Alexander Ivanishin / Press Service Sergey Genovac Theater

- What do you think, have you changed each other in seven years?

Taisiya: Partly thanks to our desperate spores. Sergey became more coup, brazen, fearless. And I like it. From the scarlet flower turned into a monster. It is touching. By the way, my mother "monster" called me when I was still a child. (Smiles.)

Sergey: And for me the discovery that I have such a powerful wife. Initially, she seemed to me gentle, wounded creating. In essence, Tasya is an organic mix and the other. And how she is uncompromisingly fighting for justice!

- How important is the financial component for your family?

Sergey: When people know how to save money, it is right, but we do not apply to them. We live in sufficiency. Do not dream of a chic car and dacha in Italy.

Taisiya: Einstein said that it is pointless to run for money, regalia and other status things, since happiness - in humility, modesty and accepting what you have. And we agree with him unconditionally. But at the same time, we have known life beautiful and still strive for it. Let both in the trifles. I am indifferent to jewelry, but I can afford to spend money on the expensive hours that collect.

- What are you dreaming about?

Taisiya: Take a child. (Smiles.)

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