Face lift: how to understand what you need


Modern plastic surgery offers a huge number of ways to return former youth. Among all these ways, personnel suspenders have been enjoyed in a sufficient popularity. And if earlier, representatives of the beautiful sex were proposed mainly one option of rejuvenation in the form of a circular suspender, today the spectrum of anti-aging plastic operations aimed at rejuvenation of the face is wider. How to figure out the manifold that is offered today to patients, how to understand what is more suitable in specific situations - the medium zone lift or the so-called FullFace (Fulfea)?

Under the Fullface procedure ("Fulfeis") is understood as a rule, tightening the upper, middle and lower suites of the face, which allows not only to give full 3D rejuvenation, starting with the scalp, ending with the clavicle (the neck suspension in FullFace also includes), but also Compared to the classic circular suspender, the face is more modern operational intervention, as new techniques have appeared, the philosophy of rejuvenation has changed.

This operation is shown to patients of the older age group - those who have already encountered a significant champion of tissues (Ptoz).

Patients of the middle age category - those whose saggings just began, more suitable suspension of the middle zone of the face, which also helps to restore the former youth.

The average zone for some time ago was considered one of the problematic in terms of rejuvenation. For example, when conducting a classic face lift, this area has a bad correction. At this it is precisely to the middle zone of the person belong to the nasolabial folds, a medium-sized and weoslete groove, bags under the eyes and in general ptosis of the area under the eyes. In addition, for the middle zone, such signs are characteristic of the presence of flavored skin, accusation and loss of volumes in the area of ​​the cheek.

Plastic Surgeon, Cosmetologist Leah Gavasheli

Plastic Surgeon, Cosmetologist Leah Gavasheli

The problemability of this zone is primarily associated with the complexity of access - it needs to "get back". Currently, this can be done in several ways:

- The first way is to combine the correction of the middle zone and the upper part of the person with the help of endoscopic equipment. The cuts through which the forehead suspended is used for the lifting chamber of the facial zone. Also possible access to the oral cavity in the presence of appropriate testimony in the patient.

- The second way is to combine the lifting of the middle zone with the bottom blepharoplasty. This method is greater popular in patients. It can be said and appeared as a result of the correction of unsatisfactory results of the lower eyelid suspended, and over time, it became an independent intervention, aimed at the lifting of the middle third of the face, access to which is carried out through the cuts in the temporal zone in the lower eyelid.

It happens that this operation is combined with endoscopy of the forehead, if the patient needs a suspender and this area. Patients of the older age group need a more comprehensive treatment, one suspender of the middle zone and the Endoscopy of the forehead in their case, do not do, as they are in dire need of a lifting of the lower third of the face.

A full-fledged face-to-face project - Fullface ("Fulfeis") includes, as a rule, a suspender of the middle and lower zones, temporal lifting, endoscopy of the forehead. In this case, the lifting of the upper and middle third of the person is carried out using endoscopy. The incision at the bottom of the person is located in the area of ​​the ear of the ear and go back to the head of the head, which allows to further hide traces of interference and even wear the hairstyle that fully open the neck such as a high tail.

By summing up, you can summarize that Fullface ("Fulfeis") and the Middle-third-third side suspension differ in several indicators: first of all, this is a different amount of operations, access to access to the tissues lifting and, of course, readings. It can be said that the lift of the middle third of the face is a special case of Fullface operation ("Fulfeis").

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