Mouth on the castle: 3 phrases that may not please your colleagues


As a rule, 90% percent of the working population is dealing daily with 3 and more colleagues, and not always such communication can be called harmonious. Yes, even a cool specialist, without noticing, maybe there can be obhetes that can hardly like someone, which often leads to misunderstanding. Today we decided to assemble the most popular and at the same time ambiguous phrases, which are desirable to think about before talking out loud.

"So you assigned to you? Blimey!"

To be honest, even if you did not mean anything wrong, the phrase sounds extremely ambiguous. Anyone loves when he is praised, but not everyone can express his feelings correctly. Behind the phrase: "I did not expect that it would get to you," there is a clear discontent with the fact that the important thing went to a person, in whose ability you personally believe not with the same optimism as your guide. Try to avoid evaluation judgments, if you do not want a person to have a serious offense.

Try to provide support

Try to provide support


"I heard you"

One of the most irritating phrases, which can derive from the equilibrium of a very relaxing person. When we are told that we were "heard", most often we simply did not listen, in fact, this is all the problem. Thus, you do not answer the question of colleagues, but simply shout, avoiding immersion in the topic. And how we said more than once, any person will be extremely unpleasant if his words are not taken seriously and passed by ears. Be more closely, because next time you can ignore your important offer.

"That's how I knew!"

There is nothing worse than to say this phrase at the moment when your colleague is not going too good. Everything bad has already happened, you need to look for ways to solve the problem, but instead of a valuable sentence you only pour oil into the fire and drive a person to even greater despair. Remember that people are important to support, especially if you communicate well with this person, so why not offer an option that, in your opinion, can work, whether a working or personal question? Try to avoid immersion in an even greater negative.

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